Payment Methods

1. By bank transfer.

When shopping online, an order will be automatically generated and sent to your email and you can pay by bank transfer. When making a payment, indicate the order number. If you make a payment from another bank and want the goods to be shipped the day before, send us a copy of the payment confirmation immediately to [email protected] and your payment will be confirmed.

Our bank details:

“ColibriKin” Ltd.
Bank: AS Swedbank
Bank code: HABALV22
Bank account: LV42HABA0551049375850

2. BankLink ( Open Banking API EveryPay system)

Customers will be connected to their online bank to make the payment.  Following banks are supported: SEB (EE, LV, LT), Swedbank (EE, LV, LT), LHV (EE), Citadele (EE, LV, LT), Luminor (EE, LV, LT), Siauliu Bankas (LT).

3. Payment with credit/debet card online.

Fast and convenient payment platform using the most popular payment cards:

payment cards

4. Payment with PayPal